What Is The Lifespan Of Vinyl Siding?

What Is The Lifespan Of Vinyl Siding?

Vinyl sidings are designed to be tough and long-lasting yet flexible enough to prevent cracking, vinyl siding can withstand the harshest environments and hold up to extreme weather conditions from very hot temperatures to icy cold conditions. Vinyl sidings stand up to wet conditions and if siding installation Crystal Lake process is done properly allow moisture to escape preventing mold and mildew and thus making them last even longer. It is said that if installed properly, maintained regularly there is no reason as to why it should not last 100 years before it deteriorates.

Our experts are happy to share their knowledge when it comes to the durability of vinyl siding installations Crystal Lake. If an installation is done correctly and siding is well maintained should as mentioned endure 100 years before it starts to break down, but even without the correct maintenance, and checking for loose panels or other problematic areas it is still said that vinyl sidings will still last over 50 years so you are safe in knowing that you will get decades of durability from our siding installation Crystal Lake.

Water can cause damage to household materials especially if it gets trapped in small spaces, this forms mold, mildew and causes rotting and warping of wooden panels.
Vinyl Siding is water-resistant and this is one of the many reasons they are so long-lasting. When installed properly they are designed to allow water and moisture to escape. This ventilation then prevents any mold, mildew, or rot from forming.

Vinyl siding installation Crystal Lake is a popular choice because of the fact that it is so easy to maintain. Just a simple wash of your siding once or twice a year will maintain its looks and durability for decades to come. A quick inspection at the same time to check for any loose panels and if you experienced strong winds just take a quick walk around and easily shift any panels that may have moved.

In the 1950s vinyl siding made its debut as an alternative material for aluminum sidings. Aluminum was expensive, dented easily, and needed constant maintenance. The other advantage of Vinyl is that it can be installed on top of existing brick and Stucco which then provides an additional layer of protection.

Our vinyl siding installation Crystal Lake team consists of trained professionals so you can rest assured that we provide only the highest quality workmanship. Our high-quality materials along with our tried and tested installation methodology will last a very long time. Please contact us today and feel free to ask about all the details.